SR Informatics

A startup Company

Get Your IT Service & Consultant

To obtain pleasures, he repels the vestibule, he undertakes to endure the consequences of labor, he despises it, and he does not enjoy it, but he is apt to praise pleasures and to follow them, and he dwells in pure joy.

Website Development

We have a dedicate team who are available 24x7 and work hardly for their client.

Digital Marketing

Want to grow up you need us . We are here to rank your website and your social media.


Year of Experince

Our Skill
Team Work

Amazing Solution For Your Business

In today’s fast-paced digital world, having the right technology solutions is crucial for business success. At SR Informatics, we provide innovative, tailor-made IT services that drive growth, efficiency, and security.


Web Service

web service available at our portal.

UI/UX Website Design

We are able to handle you social media account, we create some attractive post to you.

Digital Marketing

You need to rank up your Website or you social media handle. 


We Are Proudly Operating On 26 Countries Globally Now

Projects Completed
0 +
Awards Achieve
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Positive Review
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Satisfied Client
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Find the service you want

  1. Find the service that you want or related to you which type of service you want


Request Meet Up

After chosen your service you can request a meet up for further talk.


Execute Submissions

Here we will full fill some other formalities.

Check Out Our Work Process

You can easily check out our work process here it is mentioned

Our Satisfied Customers

To obtain pleasures, he repels the vestibule, he undertakes to endure the consequences of labor, he despises it, and he does not enjoy it, but he is apt to praise pleasures.

The team who works for SR Infromatics are Very helpful to me. As they help me to build my Website with in 1-2 weeks and  I happy too see this .

Mahesh K. Kaushik

Restaurant Owner.

Est adipisci rutrum minim hat dolorum, nobis nonummy natoque dolores delectus magna turpis. Hic eaque nesciunt morbi onvallis mol.

John Matson


As an Astrologer, I want to upgrade my social accounts , but i meet with SR Informatics Team they help me and till now they are working.

Pritanjali Prashar
